Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kicking Credit to the Curb

Have you ever had your super busy, back to back scheduled life come to a screeching halt leaving you with nothing left to do but reflect? Oh, man! It's both wonderful and terrifying all at once. That is how this past week was.

It was wonderful spending time at home with my fiance and our families for the holidays. It was wonderful hosting our first ever Christmas dinner for both families at our first place. 
Wish we had more pictures of our first Christmas, but here's a shot of the brothers and their moose mugs, courtesy of my future sister in law and instagram.

It was wonderful decorating the house for the holidays (incase you missed it you can catch the decorations here). And it was wonderful having some time for myself to gather my thoughts and catch up on the last 8 months. 

It was wonderful that is until I realized that there was one severely neglected financial disaster hanging over my head that my highly scheduled life had allowed me to ignore for FAR TOO LONG. Now, don't get the wrong idea here, I haven't been neglecting any bills, but man, I certainly wasn't making the dent on my debt that I thought I had been. Insert panic mode here. 

After a couple of minor panic attacks and some serious embarrassment when talking it out with the future Mister. No, my debt was not a secret, it was just never talked about in detail.

No longer will I be ignoring my debt, no longer will I be spending money on things I already have or definitely don't need, no longer will I make excuses for my sometimes, read excessive spending. I will live this year on what I already own and get rid of things I don't need to  help me reach my goals. 
I am owning my debt and will be working hard to make it disappear.   

So, drumroll please, 

Here's to a credit card free 2013 and a happier, more financially stable me! 

Wish me luck!

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