Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Note from Malia Elisabeth


For years now, I have been wanting to join the wonderful world of blogging but I just couldn't think of how to narrow down my focus enough to feel interesting. Finally, after another pep talk from my best friend, Kelly at Mrs. In Training, I am diving in. Who cares if my life is too crazy to narrow down in to one topic? Maybe, just maybe, my crazy busy life and insane amount of hobbies will interest someone....right?

So, here goes....

About Me

I'm a 20 something, recently engaged, Special Education Teacher, big sister, Graduate Student, party planner, daughter, new home buyer, highly allergic, future wife, aspiring fashionista, Pinterest addict, want to be baker, wedding planner and lover of all things DIY.

Are you overwhelmed with me? It's possible I have even left some things out.

So, join me as I use this blog as a memory keeper and outlet to keep tabs on my crazy, wild, sometimes tiring, overwhelmingly happy life.

Malia E