Friday, August 2, 2013

Hello August!

Can you believe that it is already AUGUST 2013?

Did anyone else just blink and realize that more than half of a year has flown by? I mean seriously FLOWN by. It's like I blinked, finished graduate school, got married, rounded out the school year and said good-bye to my 5 out of 6 transitioning Kindergarteners and eight months flew by without me even realizing it.  It has been a busy 2012-2013 and I feel like as my life slows down I am finally able to breathe and get a handle on life as a MARRIED woman.

I am kicking off my return to blogging with a new template, isn't it cute? Thanks to The Cutest Blog on the Block for making it easy to switch up the look on the fly. Get ready for more on the wedding and what's happening in my married and professional lives as I learn more about being a wife and obtaining my BCBA and becoming a Board Certified Behavior Analyst.

Malia E.